Namespace Salient\Iterator

Graph Surfaces the properties and elements of arbitrarily nested objects and arrays via a unified array interface
GraphIterator Iterates over the properties of an object or the elements of an array
IterableIterator Iterates over an array or Traversable
MapIterator Iterates over an iterator, applying a callback to values as they are returned
MutableGraphIterator Iterates over the properties of an object or the elements of an array while allowing the current element to be replaced
RecursiveCallbackIterator Iterates over a recursive iterator, using a callback to determine which items with children to descend into
RecursiveFilesystemIterator Iterates over files and directories
RecursiveGraphIterator Iterates over the properties of objects and the elements of arrays, descending into them recursively
RecursiveMutableGraphIterator Iterates over the properties of objects and the elements of arrays, descending into them recursively while allowing theā€¦