Namespace Salient\Sync

AbstractSyncDefinition Base class for sync entity operation definitions
AbstractSyncEntity Base class for entities serviced by sync providers
AbstractSyncProvider Base class for providers that sync entities to and from third-party backends
DbSyncDefinition Provides direct access to a DbSyncProvider's implementation of sync operations for an entity
DbSyncDefinitionBuilder A fluent DbSyncDefinition factory
DbSyncProvider Base class for providers with traditional database backends
HttpSyncDefinition Provides direct access to an HttpSyncProvider's implementation of sync operations for an entity
HttpSyncDefinitionBuilder A fluent HttpSyncDefinition factory
HttpSyncProvider Base class for HTTP-based RESTful API providers
SyncError An error that occurred during a sync operation
SyncErrorBuilder A fluent SyncError factory
SyncSerializeRules Instructions for serializing nested sync entities
SyncSerializeRulesBuilder A fluent SyncSerializeRules factory
SyncStore Tracks the state of entities synced to and from third-party backends in a local SQLite database