1: <?php declare(strict_types=1);
3: namespace Salient\Utility\Event;
5: use Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader as Loader;
6: use Composer\InstalledVersions as Installed;
8: /**
9: * Dispatched when package data is received from the Composer runtime API
10: *
11: * @api
12: *
13: * @template TData
14: */
15: final class PackageDataReceivedEvent
16: {
17: /** @var TData */
18: private $Data;
19: /** @var class-string<Installed|Loader> */
20: private string $Class;
21: private string $Method;
22: /** @var mixed[] */
23: private array $Arguments;
25: /**
26: * @param TData $data
27: * @param class-string<Installed|Loader> $class
28: * @param mixed ...$args
29: */
30: public function __construct(
31: $data,
32: string $class,
33: string $method,
34: ...$args
35: ) {
36: $this->Data = $data;
37: $this->Class = $class;
38: $this->Method = $method;
39: $this->Arguments = $args;
40: }
42: /**
43: * Check if the given Composer runtime API method was called
44: *
45: * @param class-string<Installed|Loader> $class
46: */
47: public function isMethod(string $class, string $method): bool
48: {
49: return strcasecmp($class, $this->Class) === 0
50: && strcasecmp($method, $this->Method) === 0;
51: }
53: /**
54: * Get arguments passed to the Composer runtime API when the method was
55: * called
56: *
57: * @return mixed[]
58: */
59: public function getArguments(): array
60: {
61: return $this->Arguments;
62: }
64: /**
65: * Get data received from the Composer runtime API
66: *
67: * @return TData
68: */
69: public function getData()
70: {
71: return $this->Data;
72: }
74: /**
75: * Replace data received from the Composer runtime API
76: *
77: * @param TData $data
78: */
79: public function setData($data): void
80: {
81: $this->Data = $data;
82: }
83: }