Interfaces | |
DeferralPolicy | |
DeferredEntityInterface | |
DeferredRelationshipInterface | |
EntitySource | |
EntityState | |
ErrorType | |
FilterPolicy | |
HydrationPolicy | |
LinkType | |
SyncContextInterface | The context within which sync entities are instantiated by a provider |
SyncDefinitionInterface | Provides direct access to a provider's implementation of sync operations for an entity |
SyncEntityInterface | Represents the state of an entity in an external system |
SyncEntityProviderInterface | Provides an entity-agnostic interface to a SyncProviderInterface's implementation of sync operations for an entity |
SyncEntityResolverInterface | Resolves a name to an entity |
SyncErrorCollectionInterface | |
SyncErrorInterface | |
SyncNamespaceHelperInterface | |
SyncOperation | |
SyncProviderInterface | Base interface for providers that sync entities to and from third-party backends |
SyncSerializeRulesInterface | |
SyncStoreInterface | |
Namespaces | |
Salient\Contract\Sync\Event | |
Salient\Contract\Sync\Exception | |