Namespace Salient\Contract\Sync

DeferralPolicy Policies for deferral of sync entities and relationships
FilterPolicy Policies for unclaimed sync operation filters
HydrationPolicy Policies for hydration of sync entities and relationships
SyncEntityLinkType Serialized sync entity relationship data formats, inspired by JSON-LD
SyncEntitySource Sync entity data sources
SyncEntityState Sync entity states
SyncErrorType Sync error types
SyncOperation Sync operation types
SyncOperationGroup Groups of sync operation types
SyncClassResolverInterface Resolves sync entity classes to their respective provider interfaces, and vice-versa
SyncContextInterface The context within which sync entities are instantiated by a provider
SyncDefinitionInterface Provides direct access to a provider's implementation of sync operations for an entity
SyncEntityInterface Represents the state of an entity in an external system
SyncEntityProviderInterface Provides an entity-agnostic interface to a SyncProviderInterface's implementation of sync operations for an entity
SyncEntityResolverInterface Resolves a name to an entity
SyncProviderInterface Base interface for providers that sync entities to and from third-party backends
SyncSerializeRulesInterface Instructions for serializing nested sync entities
SyncStoreEventInterface Base interface for entity store events
SyncStoreLoadedEventInterface Dispatched when an entity store is loaded