Namespace Salient\Core\Concern

ConstructibleTrait Implements Constructible
ExtensibleTrait Implements Extensible to store arbitrary property values
HasBuilder Implements Buildable
HasChainableMethods Implements Chainable
HasFacade Implements FacadeAwareInterface by returning modified instances for use with and without a facade
HasNormaliser Implements Normalisable
HasReadableProperties Implements Readable
HasWritableProperties Implements Writable
ImmutableArrayAccessTrait Implements ArrayAccess setters for immutable objects
ProvidableTrait Implements Providable to represent an external entity
ReadsProtectedProperties Extends HasReadableProperties to read all protected properties by default
StoppableEventTrait Implements IStoppableEvent
TreeableTrait Implements Treeable
UnloadsFacades Implements FacadeAwareInterface by maintaining a list of facades the instance is being used by
WritesProtectedProperties Extends HasWritableProperties to write all protected properties by default