Namespace Salient\Sync\Exception

AbstractSyncException Base class for sync exceptions
SyncEntityNotFoundException Thrown when an entity doesn't exist in a backend
SyncEntityRecursionException Thrown when entity hydration triggers infinite recursion
SyncFilterPolicyViolationException Thrown when there are unclaimed sync operation filters
SyncInvalidContextException Thrown when a sync operation is unable to resolve its own parameters from the context object it receives
SyncInvalidEntityException Thrown when an entity has invalid data or is not the droid you're looking for
SyncInvalidEntitySourceException Thrown when an invalid data source is provided for the return value of a sync operation
SyncInvalidFilterSignatureException Thrown when the non-mandatory arguments passed to a sync operation do not represent a valid filter
SyncInvalidRequestException Thrown when a sync operation cannot proceed because it received invalid data
SyncOperationNotImplementedException Thrown when an unimplemented sync operation is attempted
SyncProviderBackendUnreachableException Thrown by a sync provider when it can't establish a connection with its backend
SyncProviderHeartbeatCheckFailedException Thrown when an entity store's provider heartbeat check fails
SyncStoreException Thrown when an entity store error occurs