1: <?php declare(strict_types=1);
3: namespace Salient\Contract\Core;
5: /**
6: * Array mapper flags
7: */
8: interface ArrayMapperFlag
9: {
10: /**
11: * Remove null values from the output array
12: */
13: public const REMOVE_NULL = 1;
15: /**
16: * Add unmapped values to the output array
17: */
18: public const ADD_UNMAPPED = 2;
20: /**
21: * Add missing values to the output array
22: *
23: * If applied, `null` is added to the output array if the input array has no
24: * data for a given map.
25: */
26: public const ADD_MISSING = 4;
28: /**
29: * Throw an exception if there are missing values
30: *
31: * If applied and the input array has no data for a given map, an
32: * `UnexpectedValueException` is thrown.
33: */
34: public const REQUIRE_MAPPED = 8;
35: }