1: <?php declare(strict_types=1);
3: namespace Salient\Contract\Core;
5: /**
6: * @api
7: */
8: interface Chainable
9: {
10: /**
11: * Move to the next method in the chain after applying a callback to the
12: * object
13: *
14: * @param callable(static): static $callback
15: * @return static
16: */
17: public function apply(callable $callback);
19: /**
20: * Move to the next method in the chain after applying a conditional
21: * callback to the object
22: *
23: * @param (callable(static): bool)|bool $condition
24: * @param (callable(static): static)|null $then Called if `$condition`
25: * resolves to `true`.
26: * @param (callable(static): static)|null $else Called if `$condition`
27: * resolves to `false`.
28: * @return static
29: */
30: public function applyIf($condition, ?callable $then = null, ?callable $else = null);
32: /**
33: * Move to the next method in the chain after applying a callback to the
34: * object for each item in an array or iterator
35: *
36: * @template TKey
37: * @template TValue
38: *
39: * @param iterable<TKey,TValue> $items
40: * @param callable(static, TValue, TKey): static $callback
41: * @return static
42: */
43: public function applyForEach(iterable $items, callable $callback);
44: }