1: <?php declare(strict_types=1);
3: namespace Salient\Contract\Core;
5: /**
6: * Has public constants with unique values of a given type, and maps them to and
7: * from their names
8: *
9: * @api
10: *
11: * @template TValue
12: *
13: * @extends EnumerationInterface<TValue>
14: */
15: interface ConvertibleEnumerationInterface extends EnumerationInterface
16: {
17: /**
18: * Get the value of a public constant from its name
19: *
20: * @return TValue
21: */
22: public static function fromName(string $name);
24: /**
25: * Get the values of public constants from their names
26: *
27: * @param string[] $index
28: * @return TValue[]
29: */
30: public static function fromNames(array $index): array;
32: /**
33: * Get the name of a public constant from its value
34: *
35: * @param TValue $value
36: */
37: public static function toName($value): string;
39: /**
40: * Get the names of public constants from their values
41: *
42: * @param TValue[] $values
43: * @return string[]
44: */
45: public static function toNames(array $values): array;
46: }