1: <?php declare(strict_types=1);
3: namespace Salient\Contract\Core;
5: use Salient\Contract\Container\ContainerInterface;
6: use Salient\Contract\Container\HasContainer;
8: /**
9: * The context within which entities of a given type are instantiated by a
10: * provider
11: *
12: * @template TProvider of ProviderInterface
13: * @template TEntity of Providable
14: *
15: * @extends HasProvider<TProvider>
16: */
17: interface ProviderContextInterface extends
18: Immutable,
19: HasContainer,
20: HasProvider
21: {
22: /**
23: * Apply a container to the context
24: *
25: * @return static
26: */
27: public function withContainer(ContainerInterface $container);
29: /**
30: * Push the entity propagating the context onto the stack
31: *
32: * Note that although the same entity may be passed to both
33: * {@see ProviderContextInterface::push()} and
34: * {@see ProviderContextInterface::withParent()} (e.g. when a hierarchy is
35: * being populated from a root entity), they serve different purposes.
36: *
37: * Example: a `Post` object would `push()` itself onto the entity stack to
38: * retrieve a `User` instance for its `Author` property, but a `Staff`
39: * object would `push()` itself onto the entity stack to retrieve `Staff`
40: * instances for its `DirectReports` property, **and** pass itself to
41: * `withParent()` as the parent (a.k.a. manager) of those `Staff`.
42: *
43: * Pushing an entity that implements {@see HasId} onto the stack implicitly
44: * adds its unique identifier to the context as a value with name
45: * `<entity_basename>_id` if {@see HasId::getId()} returns a value other
46: * than `null`.
47: *
48: * @param TEntity $entity
49: * @return static
50: */
51: public function push($entity);
53: /**
54: * Apply a value to the context
55: *
56: * @param (int|string|float|bool|null)[]|int|string|float|bool|null $value
57: * @return static
58: */
59: public function withValue(string $name, $value);
61: /**
62: * Apply a parent entity to the context
63: *
64: * @see ProviderContextInterface::push()
65: *
66: * @param (TEntity&Treeable)|null $parent
67: * @return static
68: */
69: public function withParent(?Treeable $parent);
71: /**
72: * Apply the current payload's array key conformity to the context
73: *
74: * @param ListConformity::* $conformity Use {@see ListConformity::COMPLETE}
75: * wherever possible to improve performance.
76: * @return static
77: */
78: public function withConformity($conformity);
80: /**
81: * @return TProvider
82: */
83: public function getProvider(): ProviderInterface;
85: /**
86: * Get the entities responsible for propagating this context
87: *
88: * @return TEntity[]
89: */
90: public function stack(): array;
92: /**
93: * Get the entity responsible for the most recent propagation of this
94: * context
95: *
96: * @return TEntity|null
97: */
98: public function last(): ?Providable;
100: /**
101: * Get the parent entity applied to the context
102: *
103: * @return (TEntity&Treeable)|null
104: */
105: public function getParent(): ?Treeable;
107: /**
108: * Get a value previously applied to the context
109: *
110: * Returns `null` if no value for `$name` has been applied to the context.
111: *
112: * @return (int|string|float|bool|null)[]|int|string|float|bool|null
113: */
114: public function getValue(string $name);
116: /**
117: * True if a value was previously applied to the context
118: */
119: public function hasValue(string $name): bool;
121: /**
122: * Get the current payload's array key conformity
123: *
124: * @return ListConformity::*
125: */
126: public function getConformity();
127: }