1: <?php declare(strict_types=1);
3: namespace Salient\Contract\Core;
5: use Salient\Contract\Container\ContainerInterface;
6: use Salient\Contract\Container\HasContainer;
7: use Stringable;
9: /**
10: * Services objects on behalf of a backend
11: *
12: * @template TContext of ProviderContextInterface
13: */
14: interface ProviderInterface extends HasContainer, HasName
15: {
16: /**
17: * Get the name of the provider
18: *
19: * Appropriate values to return are:
20: *
21: * - already in scope (no lookup or transformation required)
22: * - likely to be unique
23: * - human-readable
24: */
25: public function getName(): string;
27: /**
28: * Get a stable list of values that, together with its class name, uniquely
29: * identifies the provider's backend instance
30: *
31: * This method must be idempotent for each backend instance the provider
32: * connects to. The return value should correspond to the smallest possible
33: * set of stable metadata that uniquely identifies the specific data source
34: * backing the connected instance.
35: *
36: * This may include:
37: *
38: * - an endpoint URI (if backend instances are URI-specific or can be
39: * expressed as an immutable URI)
40: * - a tenant ID
41: * - an installation GUID
42: *
43: * It should not include:
44: *
45: * - usernames, API keys, tokens, or other identifiers with a shorter
46: * lifespan than the data source itself
47: * - values that aren't unique to the connected data source
48: * - case-insensitive values (unless normalised first)
49: *
50: * It must not include:
51: *
52: * - values retrieved from a provider at runtime
53: *
54: * @return array<int|float|string|bool|Stringable|null>
55: */
56: public function getBackendIdentifier(): array;
58: /**
59: * Get a date formatter to work with the backend's date and time format
60: * and/or timezone
61: */
62: public function getDateFormatter(): DateFormatterInterface;
64: /**
65: * Get a context within which to instantiate entities on the provider's
66: * behalf
67: *
68: * @return TContext
69: */
70: public function getContext(?ContainerInterface $container = null): ProviderContextInterface;
72: /**
73: * Throw an exception if the backend isn't reachable
74: *
75: * Positive results should be cached for `$ttl` seconds. Negative results
76: * must never be cached.
77: *
78: * @return $this
79: * @throws MethodNotImplementedExceptionInterface if heartbeat monitoring
80: * isn't supported.
81: */
82: public function checkHeartbeat(int $ttl = 300);
83: }