1: <?php declare(strict_types=1);
3: namespace Salient\Contract\Core;
5: use Closure;
6: use DateTimeInterface;
8: /**
9: * @api
10: *
11: * @template TEntity of object
12: */
13: interface SerializeRulesInterface extends Immutable
14: {
15: /**
16: * Get the entity to which the rules apply
17: *
18: * @return class-string<TEntity>
19: */
20: public function getEntity(): string;
22: /**
23: * Merge with another instance, giving precedence to its values if there are
24: * any conflicts
25: *
26: * An exception is thrown if `$rules` does not apply to the same entity or
27: * one of its subclasses.
28: *
29: * @template T of TEntity
30: *
31: * @param static<T> $rules
32: * @return static<T>
33: */
34: public function merge(SerializeRulesInterface $rules): SerializeRulesInterface;
36: /**
37: * Get keys to remove from a serialized class at a given path
38: *
39: * If `$baseClass` is given, rules applied to `$class` and its parents up to
40: * but not including `$baseClass` are considered, otherwise the only
41: * class-based rules considered are those applied to `$class`.
42: *
43: * @template T0 of object
44: * @template T1 of T0
45: *
46: * @param class-string<T1>|null $class
47: * @param class-string<T0>|null $baseClass
48: * @param string[] $path
49: * @return array<string,string> Keys and values are the same.
50: */
51: public function getRemovableKeys(?string $class, ?string $baseClass, array $path): array;
53: /**
54: * Get keys to replace in a serialized class at a given path
55: *
56: * If `$baseClass` is given, rules applied to `$class` and its parents up to
57: * but not including `$baseClass` are considered, otherwise the only
58: * class-based rules considered are those applied to `$class`.
59: *
60: * @template T0 of object
61: * @template T1 of T0
62: *
63: * @param class-string<T1>|null $class
64: * @param class-string<T0>|null $baseClass
65: * @param string[] $path
66: * @return array<string,array{int|string|null,(Closure(mixed $value): mixed)|null}> Each
67: * key is mapped to an array with two values, one of which may be `null`:
68: * - a new key for the value
69: * - a closure to return a new value for the key
70: */
71: public function getReplaceableKeys(?string $class, ?string $baseClass, array $path): array;
73: /**
74: * Get a date formatter to serialize date and time values
75: */
76: public function getDateFormatter(): ?DateFormatterInterface;
78: /**
79: * Get an instance that uses the given date formatter to serialize date and
80: * time values
81: *
82: * {@see DateTimeInterface} instances are serialized as ISO-8601 strings if
83: * no date formatter is provided.
84: *
85: * @return static
86: */
87: public function withDateFormatter(?DateFormatterInterface $formatter);
89: /**
90: * Check if undeclared property values are serialized
91: */
92: public function getIncludeMeta(): bool;
94: /**
95: * Get an instance that serializes undeclared property values
96: *
97: * @return static
98: */
99: public function withIncludeMeta(?bool $include = true);
101: /**
102: * Check if serialized entities are sorted by key
103: */
104: public function getSortByKey(): bool;
106: /**
107: * Get an instance that sorts serialized entities by key
108: *
109: * @return static
110: */
111: public function withSortByKey(?bool $sort = true);
113: /**
114: * Get the maximum depth of nested values
115: */
116: public function getMaxDepth(): int;
118: /**
119: * Get an instance that limits the depth of nested values
120: *
121: * @return static
122: */
123: public function withMaxDepth(?int $depth);
125: /**
126: * Check if recursion is detected when serializing nested entities
127: */
128: public function getDetectRecursion(): bool;
130: /**
131: * Get an instance that detects recursion when serializing nested entities
132: *
133: * If it would be impossible for a circular reference to arise during
134: * serialization, disable recursion detection to improve performance and
135: * reduce memory consumption.
136: *
137: * @return static
138: */
139: public function withDetectRecursion(?bool $detect = true);
141: /**
142: * Check if path-based rules are applied to nested instances of the entity
143: */
144: public function getRecurseRules(): bool;
146: /**
147: * Get an instance that applies path-based rules to nested instances of the
148: * entity
149: *
150: * @return static
151: */
152: public function withRecurseRules(?bool $recurse = true);
153: }