1: <?php declare(strict_types=1);
3: namespace Salient\Core\Facade;
5: use Salient\Core\AbstractFacade;
6: use Salient\Core\MetricCollector;
8: /**
9: * A facade for MetricCollector
10: *
11: * @method static int<1,max> count(string $counter, string $group = 'general') Increment a counter and return its value
12: * @method static int getCounter(string $counter, string $group = 'general') Get the value of a counter
13: * @method static array<string,array<string,int>>|array<string,int> getCounters(string[]|string|null $groups = null) Get counter values (see {@see MetricCollector::getCounters()})
14: * @method static array{float,int} getTimer(string $timer, string $group = 'general', bool $includeRunning = true) Get the start count and elapsed milliseconds of a timer
15: * @method static array<string,array<string,array{float,int}>>|array<string,array{float,int}> getTimers(bool $includeRunning = true, string[]|string|null $groups = null) Get timer start counts and elapsed milliseconds (see {@see MetricCollector::getTimers()})
16: * @method static void pop() Pop metrics off the stack
17: * @method static void push() Push the current state of all metrics onto the stack
18: * @method static void startTimer(string $timer, string $group = 'general') Start a timer based on the system's high-resolution time
19: * @method static float stopTimer(string $timer, string $group = 'general') Stop a timer and return the elapsed milliseconds
20: *
21: * @api
22: *
23: * @extends AbstractFacade<MetricCollector>
24: *
25: * @generated
26: */
27: final class Profile extends AbstractFacade
28: {
29: /**
30: * @internal
31: */
32: protected static function getService()
33: {
34: return MetricCollector::class;
35: }
36: }