1: <?php declare(strict_types=1);
3: namespace Salient\Core\Facade;
5: use Salient\Contract\Sync\DeferredEntityInterface;
6: use Salient\Contract\Sync\DeferredRelationshipInterface;
7: use Salient\Contract\Sync\SyncEntityInterface;
8: use Salient\Contract\Sync\SyncErrorCollectionInterface;
9: use Salient\Contract\Sync\SyncErrorInterface;
10: use Salient\Contract\Sync\SyncNamespaceHelperInterface;
11: use Salient\Contract\Sync\SyncProviderInterface;
12: use Salient\Contract\Sync\SyncStoreInterface;
13: use Salient\Sync\SyncStore;
15: /**
16: * A facade for the global sync entity store
17: *
18: * @method static SyncStoreInterface checkProviderHeartbeats(int $ttl = 300, bool $failEarly = true, SyncProviderInterface ...$providers) Throw an exception if a sync provider's backend is unreachable (see {@see SyncStoreInterface::checkProviderHeartbeats()})
19: * @method static SyncStoreInterface deferEntity(int $providerId, class-string<SyncEntityInterface> $entityType, int|string $entityId, DeferredEntityInterface<SyncEntityInterface> $entity) Register a deferred entity with the entity store (see {@see SyncStoreInterface::deferEntity()})
20: * @method static SyncStoreInterface deferRelationship(int $providerId, class-string<SyncEntityInterface> $entityType, class-string<SyncEntityInterface> $forEntityType, string $forEntityProperty, int|string $forEntityId, DeferredRelationshipInterface<SyncEntityInterface> $relationship) Register a deferred relationship with the entity store
21: * @method static string getBinaryRunUuid() Get the UUID of the current run in raw binary form
22: * @method static int getDeferralCheckpoint() Get a checkpoint to delineate between deferred entities and relationships that have already been registered, and any subsequent deferrals (see {@see SyncStoreInterface::getDeferralCheckpoint()})
23: * @method static SyncEntityInterface|null getEntity(int $providerId, class-string<SyncEntityInterface> $entityType, int|string $entityId, bool|null $offline = null) Get a sync entity from the entity store if it is available (see {@see SyncStoreInterface::getEntity()})
24: * @method static class-string<SyncEntityInterface> getEntityType(int $entityTypeId) Get a sync entity type registered with the entity store
25: * @method static int getEntityTypeId(class-string<SyncEntityInterface> $entityType) Get the entity type ID of a registered sync entity type
26: * @method static string getEntityTypeUri(class-string<SyncEntityInterface> $entityType, bool $compact = true) Get the canonical URI of a sync entity type
27: * @method static SyncErrorCollectionInterface getErrors() Get sync operation errors recorded so far
28: * @method static SyncNamespaceHelperInterface|null getNamespaceHelper(class-string<SyncEntityInterface|SyncProviderInterface> $class) Get a namespace helper for a sync entity type or provider interface, or null if it is not in a namespace with a registered helper
29: * @method static string|null getNamespacePrefix(class-string<SyncEntityInterface|SyncProviderInterface> $class) Get a namespace prefix for a sync entity type or provider interface, or null if it is not in a registered namespace
30: * @method static SyncProviderInterface getProvider(string|int $provider) Get a sync provider registered with the entity store (see {@see SyncStoreInterface::getProvider()})
31: * @method static int getProviderId(SyncProviderInterface|string $provider) Get the provider ID by which a registered sync provider is uniquely identified in the entity store's backing database (see {@see SyncStoreInterface::getProviderId()})
32: * @method static string getProviderSignature(SyncProviderInterface $provider) Get a stable value that uniquely identifies a sync provider with the entity store and is independent of its backing database
33: * @method static int getRunId() Get the run ID of the current run
34: * @method static string getRunUuid() Get the UUID of the current run in hexadecimal form
35: * @method static bool hasEntityType(class-string<SyncEntityInterface> $entityType) Check if a sync entity type is registered with the entity store
36: * @method static bool hasProvider(SyncProviderInterface|string $provider) Check if a sync provider is registered with the entity store (see {@see SyncStoreInterface::hasProvider()})
37: * @method static SyncStoreInterface recordError(SyncErrorInterface $error, bool $deduplicate = false) Register a non-fatal sync operation error with the entity store
38: * @method static SyncStoreInterface registerEntityType(class-string<SyncEntityInterface> $entityType) Register a sync entity type with the entity store if it is not already registered (see {@see SyncStoreInterface::registerEntityType()})
39: * @method static SyncStoreInterface registerNamespace(string $prefix, string $uri, string $namespace, SyncNamespaceHelperInterface|null $helper = null) Register a namespace for sync entities and their provider interfaces (see {@see SyncStoreInterface::registerNamespace()})
40: * @method static SyncStoreInterface registerProvider(SyncProviderInterface $provider) Register a sync provider with the entity store
41: * @method static SyncEntityInterface[] resolveDeferrals(int|null $fromCheckpoint = null, class-string<SyncEntityInterface>|null $entityType = null, int|null $providerId = null) Resolve deferred entities and relationships recursively until no deferrals remain
42: * @method static SyncEntityInterface[] resolveDeferredEntities(int|null $fromCheckpoint = null, class-string<SyncEntityInterface>|null $entityType = null, int|null $providerId = null) Resolve deferred entities
43: * @method static SyncEntityInterface[][] resolveDeferredRelationships(int|null $fromCheckpoint = null, class-string<SyncEntityInterface>|null $entityType = null, class-string<SyncEntityInterface>|null $forEntityType = null, string|null $forEntityProperty = null, int|null $providerId = null) Resolve deferred relationships
44: * @method static bool runHasStarted() Check if a run of sync operations has started
45: * @method static SyncStoreInterface setEntity(int $providerId, class-string<SyncEntityInterface> $entityType, int|string $entityId, SyncEntityInterface $entity) Apply a sync entity retrieved from a provider to the entity store, resolving any matching deferred entities
46: *
47: * @extends Facade<SyncStoreInterface>
48: *
49: * @generated
50: */
51: final class Sync extends Facade
52: {
53: /**
54: * @internal
55: */
56: protected static function getService()
57: {
58: return [
59: SyncStoreInterface::class,
60: SyncStore::class,
61: ];
62: }
63: }