Methods |
__construct(Arrayable<TKey, TValue>|iterable<TKey, TValue> $items = [])
isEmpty(): bool
Check if the collection is empty
Check if the collection is empty
set(TKey $key, TValue $value): static
Add or replace an item with a given key
Add or replace an item with a given key
Implemented by
has(TKey $key): bool
Check if an item with a given key exists
Check if an item with a given key exists
get(TKey $key): TValue
Get the item with the given key
Get the item with the given key
unset(TKey $key): static
Remove an item with a given key
Remove an item with a given key
Implemented by
add(TValue $value): static
Add an item
merge(Arrayable<TKey, TValue>|iterable<TKey, TValue> $items): static
Merge the collection with the given items
Merge the collection with the given items
Implemented by
sort(): static
Sort items in the collection
Sort items in the collection
Implemented by
reverse(): static
Reverse the order of items in the collection
Reverse the order of items in the collection
Implemented by
forEach<TMode is int-mask-of<CollectionInterface::*>>(
(TMode is 3|11|19 ? callable(array{TKey, TValue}, array{TKey, TValue}|null $next, array{TKey, TValue}|null $prev): mixed : (TMode is 2|10|18 ? callable(TKey, TKey|null $next, TKey|null $prev): mixed : callable(TValue, TValue|null $next, TValue|null $prev): mixed)) $callback,
TMode $mode = CollectionInterface::CALLBACK_USE_VALUE,
): $this
Pass each item in the collection to a callback
Pass each item in the collection to a callback
The callback's return values are discarded.
map<TMode is int-mask-of<CollectionInterface::*>>(
(TMode is 3|11|19 ? callable(array{TKey, TValue}, array{TKey, TValue}|null $next, array{TKey, TValue}|null $prev): TValue : (TMode is 2|10|18 ? callable(TKey, TKey|null $next, TKey|null $prev): TValue : callable(TValue, TValue|null $next, TValue|null $prev): TValue)) $callback,
TMode $mode = CollectionInterface::CALLBACK_USE_VALUE,
): static
Pass each item in the collection to a callback and populate a new
collection with its return values
Pass each item in the collection to a callback and populate a new
collection with its return values
Implemented by
filter<TMode is int-mask-of<CollectionInterface::*>>(
(TMode is 3|11|19 ? callable(array{TKey, TValue}, array{TKey, TValue}|null $next, array{TKey, TValue}|null $prev): bool : (TMode is 2|10|18 ? callable(TKey, TKey|null $next, TKey|null $prev): bool : callable(TValue, TValue|null $next, TValue|null $prev): bool)) $callback,
TMode $mode = CollectionInterface::CALLBACK_USE_VALUE,
): static
Reduce the collection to items that satisfy a callback
Reduce the collection to items that satisfy a callback
Implemented by
find<TMode is int-mask-of<CollectionInterface::*>>(
(TMode is 3|11|19 ? callable(array{TKey, TValue}, array{TKey, TValue}|null $next, array{TKey, TValue}|null $prev): bool : (TMode is 2|10|18 ? callable(TKey, TKey|null $next, TKey|null $prev): bool : callable(TValue, TValue|null $next, TValue|null $prev): bool)) $callback,
TMode $mode = CollectionInterface::CALLBACK_USE_VALUE | CollectionInterface::FIND_VALUE,
): (TMode is 16|17|18|19 ? TKey : TValue)|null
Get the first item that satisfies a callback, or null if there is no such
item in the collection
Get the first item that satisfies a callback, or null if there is no such
item in the collection
only(TKey[] $keys): static
Reduce the collection to items with keys in an array
Reduce the collection to items with keys in an array
Implemented by
onlyIn(array<TKey, true> $index): static
Reduce the collection to items with keys in an index
Reduce the collection to items with keys in an index
Implemented by
except(TKey[] $keys): static
Reduce the collection to items with keys not in an array
Reduce the collection to items with keys not in an array
Implemented by
exceptIn(array<TKey, true> $index): static
Reduce the collection to items with keys not in an index
Reduce the collection to items with keys not in an index
Implemented by
slice(int $offset, ?int $length = null): static
Extract a slice of the collection
Extract a slice of the collection
Implemented by
hasValue(TValue $value, bool $strict = false): bool
Check if a value is in the collection
Check if a value is in the collection
keyOf(TValue $value, bool $strict = false): TKey|null
Get the first key at which a value is found, or null if it's not in the
Get the first key at which a value is found, or null if it's not in the
firstOf(TValue $value): TValue|null
Get the first item equal but not necessarily identical to a value, or
null if it's not in the collection
Get the first item equal but not necessarily identical to a value, or
null if it's not in the collection
all(): array<TKey, TValue>
Get all items in the collection
Get all items in the collection
first(): TValue|null
Get the first item, or null if the collection is empty
Get the first item, or null if the collection is empty
last(): TValue|null
Get the last item, or null if the collection is empty
Get the last item, or null if the collection is empty
nth(int $n): TValue|null
Get the nth item (1-based), or null if there is no such item in the
Get the nth item (1-based), or null if there is no such item in the
If $n is negative, the nth item from the end of the collection is
push(TValue ...$items): static
Push items onto the end of the collection
Push items onto the end of the collection
Implemented by
pop(TValue|null &$last = null): static
Pop an item off the end of the collection
Pop an item off the end of the collection
$last |
Receives the value removed from the collection,
or null if the collection is empty.
Implemented by
shift(TValue|null &$first = null): static
Shift an item off the beginning of the collection
Shift an item off the beginning of the collection
$first |
Receives the value removed from the collection,
or null if the collection is empty.
Implemented by
unshift(TValue ...$items): static
Add items to the beginning of the collection
Add items to the beginning of the collection
Items are added in one operation and stay in the given order.
Implemented by