Methods |
entity<T is SyncEntityInterface>(class-string<T> $value): static<T, TProvider>
The entity being serviced
The entity being serviced
provider<T is HttpSyncProvider>(T $value): static<TEntity, T>
The provider servicing the entity
The provider servicing the entity
pipelineFromBackend<T is SyncEntityInterface>(
PipelineInterface<mixed[], T, SyncPipelineArgument>|null $value,
): static<T, TProvider>
Pipeline that maps provider data to a serialized entity, or `null` if mapping is not required
Pipeline that maps provider data to a serialized entity, or null if mapping is not required
pipelineToBackend<T is SyncEntityInterface>(
PipelineInterface<T, mixed[], SyncPipelineArgument>|null $value,
): static<T, TProvider>
Pipeline that maps a serialized entity to provider data, or `null` if mapping is not required
Pipeline that maps a serialized entity to provider data, or null if mapping is not required
operations(array<SyncOperation::*> $value): $this
Supported sync operations
Supported sync operations
path(string[]|string|null $value): $this
Path or paths to the endpoint servicing the entity, e.g. "/v1/user" (see {@see HttpSyncDefinition::$Path})
Path or paths to the endpoint servicing the entity, e.g. "/v1/user" (see {@see HttpSyncDefinition::$Path})
query(mixed[]|null $value): $this
Query parameters applied to the sync operation URL (see {@see HttpSyncDefinition::$Query})
Query parameters applied to the sync operation URL (see {@see HttpSyncDefinition::$Query})
headers(?HttpHeadersInterface $value): $this
HTTP headers applied to the sync operation request (see {@see HttpSyncDefinition::$Headers})
HTTP headers applied to the sync operation request (see {@see HttpSyncDefinition::$Headers})
pager(?CurlerPagerInterface $value): $this
Pagination handler for the endpoint servicing the entity (see {@see HttpSyncDefinition::$Pager})
Pagination handler for the endpoint servicing the entity (see {@see HttpSyncDefinition::$Pager})
alwaysPaginate(bool $value = true): $this
Use the pager to process requests even if no pagination is required (default: false)
Use the pager to process requests even if no pagination is required (default: false)
(callable(HttpSyncDefinition<TEntity, TProvider>, SyncOperation::*, SyncContextInterface, mixed...): HttpSyncDefinition<TEntity, TProvider>)|null $value,
): $this
Callback applied to the definition before each sync operation (see {@see HttpSyncDefinition::$Callback})
Callback applied to the definition before each sync operation (see {@see HttpSyncDefinition::$Callback})
conformity(HttpSyncDefinition::CONFORMITY_* $value): $this
Conformity level of data returned by the provider for this entity (see {@see AbstractSyncDefinition::$Conformity})
Conformity level of data returned by the provider for this entity (see {@see AbstractSyncDefinition::$Conformity})
filterPolicy(FilterPolicy::*|null $value): $this
Action to take when filters are not claimed by the provider (see {@see AbstractSyncDefinition::$FilterPolicy})
Action to take when filters are not claimed by the provider (see {@see AbstractSyncDefinition::$FilterPolicy})
expiry(int<-1, max>|null $value): $this
Seconds before cached responses expire (see {@see HttpSyncDefinition::$Expiry})
Seconds before cached responses expire (see {@see HttpSyncDefinition::$Expiry})
methodMap(array<SyncOperation::*, HttpRequestMethod::*> $value): $this
Array that maps sync operations to HTTP request methods (see {@see HttpSyncDefinition::$MethodMap})
Array that maps sync operations to HTTP request methods (see {@see HttpSyncDefinition::$MethodMap})
(callable(CurlerInterface, HttpSyncDefinition<TEntity, TProvider>, SyncOperation::*, SyncContextInterface, mixed...): CurlerInterface)|null $value,
): $this
Callback applied to the Curler instance created to perform each sync operation (see {@see HttpSyncDefinition::…
Callback applied to the Curler instance created to perform each sync operation (see {@see HttpSyncDefinition::$CurlerCallback})
syncOneEntityPerRequest(bool $value = true): $this
Perform CREATE_LIST, UPDATE_LIST and DELETE_LIST operations on one entity per HTTP request (default: false)
Perform CREATE_LIST, UPDATE_LIST and DELETE_LIST operations on one entity per HTTP request (default: false)
array<int-mask-of<SyncOperation::*>, Closure(HttpSyncDefinition<TEntity, TProvider>, SyncOperation::*, SyncContextInterface, mixed...): (iterable<array-key, TEntity>|TEntity)> $value,
): $this
Array that maps sync operations to closures that override other implementations (see {@see AbstractSyncDefinition::…
Array that maps sync operations to closures that override other implementations (see {@see AbstractSyncDefinition::$Overrides})
keyMap(array<array-key, array-key|array-key[]>|null $value): $this
Array that maps keys to properties for entity data returned by the provider (see {@see AbstractSyncDefinition::$KeyMap})
Array that maps keys to properties for entity data returned by the provider (see {@see AbstractSyncDefinition::$KeyMap})
int-mask-of<ArrayMapperInterface::REMOVE_NULL|ArrayMapperInterface::ADD_UNMAPPED|ArrayMapperInterface::ADD_MISSING|ArrayMapperInterface::REQUIRE_MAPPED> $value,
): $this
Array mapper flags used if a key map is provided
Array mapper flags used if a key map is provided
readFromList(bool $value = true): $this
Perform READ operations by iterating over entities returned by READ_LIST (default: false; see {@see…
Perform READ operations by iterating over entities returned by READ_LIST (default: false; see {@see AbstractSyncDefinition::$ReadFromList})
returnEntitiesFrom(EntitySource::*|null $value): $this
Source of entity data for the return value of a successful CREATE, UPDATE or DELETE operation
Source of entity data for the return value of a successful CREATE, UPDATE or DELETE operation
args(mixed[]|null $value): $this
Arguments passed to each sync operation
Arguments passed to each sync operation