Methods |
__construct(TProvider|class-string<TProvider> $provider, ?SyncStoreInterface $store = null)
getSyncProviderInterfaces(): array<class-string<SyncProviderInterface>>
Get names of interfaces that extend SyncProviderInterface
Get names of interfaces that extend SyncProviderInterface
): array<class-string<SyncProviderInterface>, ReflectionClass<SyncProviderInterface>>
Get interfaces that extend SyncProviderInterface
Get interfaces that extend SyncProviderInterface
getSyncProviderEntityTypes(): array<class-string<SyncEntityInterface>>
Get names of entity types serviced via sync provider interfaces
Get names of entity types serviced via sync provider interfaces
getSyncProviderEntityTypeBasenames(): array<string, class-string<SyncEntityInterface>>
Get an array that maps unambiguous kebab-case basenames to qualified
names for entity types serviced via sync provider…
Get an array that maps unambiguous kebab-case basenames to qualified
names for entity types serviced via sync provider interfaces
getSyncProviderReflectionEntities(): array<class-string<SyncEntityInterface>, SyncEntityReflection<SyncEntityInterface>>
Get entity types serviced via sync provider interfaces
Get entity types serviced via sync provider interfaces
isSyncEntityProvider<T is SyncEntityInterface>(ReflectionClass<T>|class-string<T>|T $entity): bool
Check if the provider services a sync entity type
Check if the provider services a sync entity type
getSyncOperationClosure<T is SyncEntityInterface>(
SyncOperation::* $operation,
SyncEntityReflection<T>|class-string<T> $entity,
TProvider $provider,
): (Closure(SyncContextInterface, mixed...): (iterable<T>|T))|null
Get a closure for a sync operation the provider has implemented via a
declared method
Get a closure for a sync operation the provider has implemented via a
declared method
SyncOperation::* $operation,
SyncEntityReflection<SyncEntityInterface>|class-string<SyncEntityInterface> $entity,
): ?string
Get the name of the method that implements a sync operation if declared
by the provider
Get the name of the method that implements a sync operation if declared
by the provider
getSyncOperationMethods(): array<string, array{SyncOperation::*, class-string<SyncEntityInterface>}>
Get declared methods that implement sync operations
Get declared methods that implement sync operations
getSyncOperationMagicMethods(): array<string, array{SyncOperation::*, class-string<SyncEntityInterface>}>
Get methods that are not declared but could be used to implement sync
operations via method overloading
Get methods that are not declared but could be used to implement sync
operations via method overloading