Methods |
getContext(): SyncContextInterface
getProviderId(): int
Get the provider ID assigned to the backend instance by its entity store
Get the provider ID assigned to the backend instance by its entity store
Implemented by
getDefinition<T is SyncEntityInterface>(class-string<T> $entity): SyncDefinitionInterface<T, $this>
Get the provider's implementation of sync operations for an entity
Get the provider's implementation of sync operations for an entity
Implemented by
getFilterPolicy(): FilterPolicy::*|null
Get the provider's default unclaimed filter policy
Get the provider's default unclaimed filter policy
Implemented by
isValidIdentifier(int|string $id, class-string<SyncEntityInterface> $entity): bool
True if a value is of the correct type and format to be an entity ID
True if a value is of the correct type and format to be an entity ID
Implemented by
getStore(): SyncStoreInterface
Get the provider's entity store
Get the provider's entity store
Implemented by
with<T is SyncEntityInterface>(
class-string<T> $entity,
?SyncContextInterface $context = null,
): SyncEntityProviderInterface<T>
Use an entity-agnostic interface to the provider's implementation of sync
operations for an entity
Use an entity-agnostic interface to the provider's implementation of sync
operations for an entity
Implemented by
runOperation<T, TOutput is iterable<T>|T>(SyncContextInterface $context, Closure(): TOutput $operation): TOutput
Perform a sync operation after validating its context
Perform a sync operation after validating its context
Implemented by
filterOperationOutput<T is SyncEntityInterface, TOutput is iterable<T>|T>(
SyncContextInterface $context,
TOutput $output,
): TOutput
Filter the output of a sync operation if required by its context
Filter the output of a sync operation if required by its context
Implemented by