getOperationClosure<TOperation is SyncOperation::*>(
TOperation $operation,
): (TOperation is SyncOperation::READ ? Closure(SyncContextInterface, int|string|null, mixed...): TEntity : (TOperation is SyncOperation::READ_LIST ? Closure(SyncContextInterface, mixed...): iterable<array-key, TEntity> : (TOperation is SyncOperation::CREATE|SyncOperation::UPDATE|SyncOperation::DELETE ? Closure(SyncContextInterface, TEntity, mixed...): TEntity : Closure(SyncContextInterface, iterable<TEntity>, mixed...): iterable<array-key, TEntity>)))|null
Get a closure to perform a sync operation on the entity, or null if the
operation is not supported
Get a closure to perform a sync operation on the entity, or null if the
operation is not supported
Implemented by