Methods |
entity(): class-string<TEntity>
Get the sync entity being serviced
Get the sync entity being serviced
Implemented by
create(TEntity $entity, mixed ...$args): TEntity
Add an entity to the backend
Add an entity to the backend
Implemented by
get(int|string|null $id, mixed ...$args): TEntity
Get an entity from the backend
Get an entity from the backend
Implemented by
update(TEntity $entity, mixed ...$args): TEntity
Update an entity in the backend
Update an entity in the backend
Implemented by
delete(TEntity $entity, mixed ...$args): TEntity
Delete an entity from the backend
Delete an entity from the backend
Implemented by
createList(iterable<TEntity> $entities, mixed ...$args): FluentIteratorInterface<array-key, TEntity>
Add a list of entities to the backend
Add a list of entities to the backend
Implemented by
getList(mixed ...$args): FluentIteratorInterface<array-key, TEntity>
Get a list of entities from the backend
Get a list of entities from the backend
Implemented by
updateList(iterable<TEntity> $entities, mixed ...$args): FluentIteratorInterface<array-key, TEntity>
Update a list of entities in the backend
Update a list of entities in the backend
Implemented by
deleteList(iterable<TEntity> $entities, mixed ...$args): FluentIteratorInterface<array-key, TEntity>
Delete a list of entities from the backend
Delete a list of entities from the backend
Implemented by
createListA(iterable<TEntity> $entities, mixed ...$args): array<TEntity>
Add a list of entities to the backend and return an array
Add a list of entities to the backend and return an array
Implemented by
getListA(mixed ...$args): array<TEntity>
Get a list of entities from the backend as an array
Get a list of entities from the backend as an array
Implemented by
updateListA(iterable<TEntity> $entities, mixed ...$args): array<TEntity>
Update a list of entities in the backend and return an array
Update a list of entities in the backend and return an array
Implemented by
deleteListA(iterable<TEntity> $entities, mixed ...$args): array<TEntity>
Delete a list of entities from the backend and return an array
Delete a list of entities from the backend and return an array
Implemented by
(Closure(TEntity): string)|string|null $nameProperty = null,
int-mask-of<SyncEntityProviderInterface::*> $flags = SyncEntityProviderInterface::ALGORITHM_SAME,
array<SyncEntityProviderInterface::ALGORITHM_*, float>|float|null $uncertaintyThreshold = null,
(Closure(TEntity): (int|float))|string|null $weightProperty = null,
bool $requireOneMatch = false,
): SyncEntityResolverInterface<TEntity>
Use a property of the entity class to resolve names to entities
Use a property of the entity class to resolve names to entities
$nameProperty |
If null ,
entity names are taken from {@see SyncEntityInterface::getName()}.
$uncertaintyThreshold |
the uncertainty of a match for a given name is greater than or equal to
this value (between 0.0 and 1.0 ), the entity is not returned.
$weightProperty |
multiple entities are equally similar to a given name, the one with the
greatest weight (highest value) is preferred.
Implemented by
online(): $this
Perform sync operations on the backend directly, ignoring any entities in
the entity store
Perform sync operations on the backend directly, ignoring any entities in
the entity store
Implemented by
offline(): $this
Perform "get" operations on the entity store, throwing an exception if
entities have never been synced with the backend
Perform "get" operations on the entity store, throwing an exception if
entities have never been synced with the backend
Implemented by
offlineFirst(): $this
Retrieve entities directly from the backend unless it cannot be reached
or the entity store's copies are sufficiently…
Retrieve entities directly from the backend unless it cannot be reached
or the entity store's copies are sufficiently fresh
Implemented by
doNotResolve(): $this
Do not resolve deferred entities or relationships
Do not resolve deferred entities or relationships
Implemented by
resolveEarly(): $this
Resolve deferred entities and relationships immediately
Resolve deferred entities and relationships immediately
Implemented by
resolveLate(): $this
Resolve deferred entities and relationships after reaching the end of
each stream of entity data
Resolve deferred entities and relationships after reaching the end of
each stream of entity data
Implemented by
doNotHydrate(): $this
Do not hydrate entities returned by the backend
Do not hydrate entities returned by the backend
Implemented by
HydrationPolicy::* $policy = HydrationPolicy::EAGER,
class-string<SyncEntityInterface>|null $entity = null,
array<int<1, max>>|int<1, max>|null $depth = null,
): $this
Apply the given hydration policy to entities returned by the backend
Apply the given hydration policy to entities returned by the backend
Implemented by