Methods |
getProvider(): TProvider
Get the context's provider
Get the context's provider
withContainer(ContainerInterface $container): static
Get an instance with the given container
Get an instance with the given container
Implemented by
getEntityType(): class-string<TEntity>|null
Get the entity type applied to the context
Get the entity type applied to the context
Implemented by
withEntityType(class-string<TEntity> $entityType): static
Get an instance with the given entity type
Get an instance with the given entity type
Implemented by
getConformity(): ProviderContextInterface::*
Get the conformity level applied to the context
Get the conformity level applied to the context
Implemented by
withConformity(ProviderContextInterface::* $conformity): static
Get an instance with the given conformity level
Get an instance with the given conformity level
$conformity |
{@see ProviderContextInterface::CONFORMITY_COMPLETE} wherever possible to
improve performance.
Implemented by
getEntities(): TEntity[]
Get entities for which the context has been propagated
Get entities for which the context has been propagated
Implemented by
getLastEntity(): TEntity|null
Get the entity for which the context was most recently propagated
Get the entity for which the context was most recently propagated
Implemented by
pushEntity(TEntity $entity): static
Add the entity for which the context is being propagated
Add the entity for which the context is being propagated
If $entity implements {@see HasId} and the return value of
{@see HasId::getId()} is not null , it is applied to the context as a
value with name <entity_basename>_id .
Implemented by
getParent(): (TEntity&Treeable)|null
Get the parent entity applied to the context
Get the parent entity applied to the context
Implemented by
withParent((TEntity&Treeable)|null $parent): static
Get an instance with the given parent entity
Get an instance with the given parent entity
Implemented by
hasValue(string $name): bool
Check if a value has been applied to the context
Check if a value has been applied to the context
Implemented by
getValue(string $name): (int|string|float|bool|null)[]|int|string|float|bool|null
Get a value applied to the context, or null if it has not been applied
Get a value applied to the context, or null if it has not been applied
Implemented by
withValue(string $name, (int|string|float|bool|null)[]|int|string|float|bool|null $value): static
Get an instance with the given value applied
Get an instance with the given value applied
Implemented by