1: <?php declare(strict_types=1);
3: namespace Salient\Contract\Sync;
5: use Salient\Contract\Core\Provider\ProviderInterface;
6: use Closure;
8: /**
9: * Base interface for providers that sync entities to and from third-party
10: * backends
11: *
12: * @extends ProviderInterface<SyncContextInterface>
13: */
14: interface SyncProviderInterface extends ProviderInterface
15: {
16: /**
17: * @inheritDoc
18: */
19: public function getContext(): SyncContextInterface;
21: /**
22: * Get the provider ID assigned to the backend instance by its entity store
23: */
24: public function getProviderId(): int;
26: /**
27: * Get the provider's implementation of sync operations for an entity
28: *
29: * @template T of SyncEntityInterface
30: *
31: * @param class-string<T> $entity
32: * @return SyncDefinitionInterface<T,$this>
33: */
34: public function getDefinition(string $entity): SyncDefinitionInterface;
36: /**
37: * Get the provider's default unclaimed filter policy
38: *
39: * @return FilterPolicy::*|null
40: */
41: public function getFilterPolicy(): ?int;
43: /**
44: * True if a value is of the correct type and format to be an entity ID
45: *
46: * @param int|string $id
47: * @param class-string<SyncEntityInterface> $entity
48: */
49: public function isValidIdentifier($id, string $entity): bool;
51: /**
52: * Get the provider's entity store
53: */
54: public function getStore(): SyncStoreInterface;
56: /**
57: * Use an entity-agnostic interface to the provider's implementation of sync
58: * operations for an entity
59: *
60: * @template T of SyncEntityInterface
61: *
62: * @param class-string<T> $entity
63: * @return SyncEntityProviderInterface<T>
64: */
65: public function with(string $entity, ?SyncContextInterface $context = null): SyncEntityProviderInterface;
67: /**
68: * Perform a sync operation after validating its context
69: *
70: * @template T
71: * @template TOutput of iterable<T>|T
72: *
73: * @param Closure(): TOutput $operation
74: * @return TOutput
75: */
76: public function runOperation(SyncContextInterface $context, Closure $operation);
78: /**
79: * Filter the output of a sync operation if required by its context
80: *
81: * @template T of SyncEntityInterface
82: * @template TOutput of iterable<T>|T
83: *
84: * @param TOutput $output
85: * @return TOutput
86: */
87: public function filterOperationOutput(SyncContextInterface $context, $output);
88: }